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Authors Attic | Virtual Library is a completely free, online library suitable for ages 6-15. It includes a variety of books, containing not only both fiction and nonfiction books, but also books in three languages- English, Hindi and Sanskrit.

The team consists of tennagers Akshara Dhage , Atharva Deshmukh, Ammar Islam, Ayush Rai, Geetalii Narayan, Sara Yewle ,Shourya Chaudhari and Manaswi Shegaonkar. The team realised during the course of the pandemic that there are several children all around India that do not get the opportunity to read books for several reasons and therefore decided to take the initiative to make the library. They combined skills they had picked up like coding, organisation and team work, excel and more and came together to create this library. The faced many hurdles, including disagreements, technical issues, miscommunication and more but in the end cme together to launch the library. What started as a fun project lead to something they launched publicly on the internet.

They are constantly learning more and working on the website, and make sure you keep an eye out on the website as well as the youtube channel as they have alreay started working on many exciting projects.

Make sure you also check out the 'blog' page, and also leave a comment with your feedback. Also, as yu will be able to see in the navigation bar, we have a page called 'Book Review', in which you can submit a review of a book you read from our library, which will be soon entered in a book review competition.

Introduction of our Library

A team of 5 members : Akshara Dhage , Atharva Deshmukh , Manaswi Shegaonkar , Geetalii Narayan and Shourya Choudhari teamed up with a vision of creating a virtual library, to help their friends nurture themselves by reading in these tough times. They worked hard and dedicatedly prepared a virtual library for the enjoyable experience of the reader, coding, finding books, organising- the list goes on! And they hope that the reader will too enjoy it.

Tutorial : How to use our Library

We crafted our library in such a way that it is as user-friendly as possible. Yet, if you face any difficulties, you can refer to this easy to follow guide which guides you through all the steps in order to read a book from our website as well as tells you about the other features like the Blog and Book Review section. All you need to do is choose through the sections, click on the book you want to read, then click on the download button and click on open with google drive.

Why to use our Library ?

The main point of using our virtual library is that it's easy to find books and you can read books wherever you are. There are only a few simple steps- search the book ,download it, and read it. In this pandemic, going to the library and getting a book is not safe, so this library is a great alternative. By using this virtual library readers can access the library in one location on either a computer or a mobile device.

Importance of Library

Books play an important role in our life. A book is like a bestfriend who will never walk away from you. Books provide us a lot of knowledge which is very useful to us in various ways. Whenever you are reading a book you will find peace and it will also reduce your stress and also books improve our vocabulary, communication skills and memorizing power. Reading books is also the best habit followed by succesful people. Books gives a perspective to think about the world in our own way. We should also develope a habit of reading atleast thirty- fourty minutes

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